Let's build
your padel club

Official partner & distributor of the first padel court manufacturer in the world, we accompany you throughout your project of club creation or development

The time is now & all indicators lead to the same conclusion: padel is growing massively.

With more than 3 millions of regular players in Spain, padel is constantly gaining ground in France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Sweden & USA.Considered as the fastest growing sport, number of courts and players have doubled within these countries in a 5 years time and the predicted future growth is highly optimistic. It is definitely time for all great entrepreneurs and investors to step up to the mark and get an early position in what will soon become a top player of the sports industry of tomorrow.

Our courts

We help you to select the best type of court, depending on your project, your business model & your constraints. Discover here the courts from our main partner Padel Galis, n°1 padel courts manufacturer, official supplier of the World Padel Tour.


Focus on the turf

Essential companent of the padel court quality, all our courts are equipped with the PG5 Series Kits

  • 5 years Warranty 

  • 11mm texturized monofilament for game comforer & medium ball speed

  • Less joints = installation time reduced

Technical requirements

Benefit form our experience and get the best advice to prepare the installation of your future padel courts.We provide you with all the technical documentation related to the ground preparation: concrete ring beam, fixing points, electricity requirements and covering options…. 


Deliver the most precise information to your architect, concrete ingenior or mason 

Detailed plans & layouts to simplify the process.


Don’t forget to plan all the details as electrical inputs, or circulation paths.

Precise specifications & requirements.


Plan your project from A to Z:

from the right orientation of the courts to the logistic details to facilitate the installation. We’ll remind you all the material needed as crane, forklift or scaffolding as well as accessibility requirements or waste management.


Play padel!

Now !

Padel courts supplier, we can also do more for your project, being by your side all long the way

Business model & Construction

  • Business audit, feasibility & ground study

  • Draft plan & budget options

  • 2D & 3D plans simulations & design study

  • Negotiation & timeline with manufacturer / suplier

  • Furniture/negotiation with suppliers for extra equipements like interior design, tennis, fitness, lighting, small equipement

  • Follow-up during construction


  • Business modeling & plan

  • Market study, plan & branding/ambassador options

  • Training & hiring of coaching staff

  • Pre-Opening campaings & opening event


  • Club management software

  • Activity & business monitoring

Business model
& opportunities

In 4 stages

Sizing the project

Defining the number of courts for your project is one very important aspect. Many projects have failed by adding/creating only 1 or 2 padel courts as a trial and all came to the same conclusion: higher demand, no tournaments & entertainment opportunities, not enough profit and low availability.
Since most of the trafic comes during peak hours (lunch time or late afternoon hours) the fact of having a too limited number of courts is very restrictive.

Another aspect is that the success of padel comes from the recurrent organization of animations, open competitions and tournaments. Again the size of your facility should fit these realities and needs.
Lastly, about the construction and its cost, it is a reality that great economies of scale can be achieved by multiplying the number of courts built.

Model : membership vs pay per play

The main source of income, by far, for a padel project comes from the courts renting (around 30€ /hour /court) and it is definitely a strong potential and profitability.

Many places, especially tennis clubs or multi-sports centres, explore the yearly memberships option but the trend and good practice is indisputable : the pay per play model is the most proficient and profitable.
Indeed the membership option tends to jeopardize the business potential because members regularly occupy the key time slots, without control.
Then apart from creating a very high priced membership the pay per play system generates way more income.

As an example : a regular player, attending your facility 2 times a week, will generate a yearly income from 800€ to a 1000€, while usual yearly memberships are set between 300 to 500€ /year.

Diversification is key

Before reaching a high courts occupancy rate, called « success », every project needs to go through several stages of strategy as well as offering all essential on-site services.
Then you cannot expect building a large users community without filling requirements and respecting development stages.

Having a great coach/entertainer
Even though padel is an easy access sport and doesn’t require specific technical or physical skills getting a few lessons or initiations with a coach is a key to learn the basics of the game and a guarantee that the player will soon become a real fanatic.
Another key ingredient is that the coach or animator ensures a lot of hours organizing friendly competitions of all formats, discovery sessions like « sponsor a friend » or any social gathering event.

About the facilities
Because padel is a very social, family and community sport leading potentially to a high trafic having a nice bar-restaurant is a great asset which can also generate a solid income. Most of the successful padel complexes use to have the following amenities: Bar + restaurant + lounge + fitness room + large lockers
+ meeting room + pro-shop

Strategic plan

  • Developing a players community through events

  • Educating your fan base through coaching

  • Developing a players community through events
    Educating your fan base through coaching
    Diversifying your offer with the bar-restaurant, fitness, corporate clientele, schools, activities for kids

  • Organizing a lot of tournaments by levels

  • Strategizing on your price list/offer considering low and peak times

The « boom » of Padel

With more than 3 millions of regular players in Spain Padel is constantly gaining ground in France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium & Sweden.

Considered as the fastest growing sport, number of courts and players have doubled within these countries in a 5 years time and the predicted future growth is highly optimistic.

Seducing the world Padel also becomes the new trend in many different countries and recognized Padel manufacturers confirm the tendency of a high demand outside of Europe. Lots of massive projects are coming off the ground in the US, in China and in the Middle-East region, especially in Dubaï, Qatar and Kuwait.

The time is now

What is remarkable now compared to a few years back is that all projects look massive and most of the current projects are willing to build 6 to 12 padel courts with a high demand of indoor facilities. All indicators lead to the same conclusion : Padel is growing massively.

It is definitely time for all great entrepreneurs and investors to step up to the mark and get an early position in what will soon become a top player of the sports industry of tomorrow.

A business evidence

One of the main reasons behind the quick growth of padel is also the massive investment coming from the private, public and associative sectors, knowing also that many traditional tennis clubs are willing to diversify their activity and strenghten their attractivity.

Building padel courts is financially accessible, the timelines of construction are short and the potential profit per court is much higher than in tennis.

You fit roughly two padel courts (almost 3) into one tennis court surface and you rent it out to 4 people at a time. Every hour padel can offer a Return On Investment 4 times higher than a tennis court for the same ground surface.

Of course the ROI has a lot to see with the investment amount and the business model is way different from an outdoor to an indoor facility. That’s why each project deserves a deep study: market & trafic analysis, facilities-equipments types and costs, but also checking all potential other sources of revenues aside like coaching, events, partnerships, restaurant, bar, shop and extra-activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why doing ‘panoramic’ courts with such a price difference?

Of course it’s clearly not an obligation but the panoramic courts offer a nice game experience, a nice aesthetic rendering and most of all a better visibility for the spectators. It’s been originally created for exhibitions, competitions of the World Padel Tour and the TV broadcast.

How long does it take to get padel courts installed and playable after the quote validation?

Depending on the manufacturer’s order planning, by experience we know that ordering and fabrication usually takes 3 to 4 weeks and for the installation you should expect a timeline of 1 to 3 weeks depending on the number of courts. 1 court installation usually requires a full week (installation without concrete screed). Another timeline should be added and quoted for projects abroad, especially with distant territories requiring shipments by boat.

Is the activity really profitable for a private investor?

Every project deserves its own specific study and there are many aspects that can impact the potential Return On Investment. Building an outdoor or indoor facility, either starting from a virgin land or benefiting of an existing screed (like transformation of existing tennis courts). Overall we can say YES but again many criterias have to be deeply considered and studied.

How many padel courts can I set within the surface of a tennis court?

Basically only two for one tennis court but if there’s some spare space around a simple addition of 3 meters could be enough to position 3 padel courts. Also important to keep in mind that the best orientation for the courts should be North/South (like a tennis court).

Is Padel jeopardizing the success of tennis?

There is no doubt that Padel is attracting and retaining lots of players but there’s another way of seeing things. Padel is very social and less exclusive than tennis so it creates a great complementarity. Thanks to Padel many tennis clubs recreate attractiveness and this is worth it for the club life in which everyone consumes what he/she likes the most.

Do you have experience with international projects?

Yes 100%. As a great example we are managing consultants for the Rafa Nadal Academy in Kuwait where we installed padel courts, squash and of course tennis courts. Leading projects in english with international stakeholders is part of our expertise. We are mobile and used to manage projects over different destinations or continents.

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